If you spend time in public pools, locker rooms, or showers, it’s possible to develop athlete’s foot — an uncomfortable and itchy condition that may affect up to 70% of the population at some point in their lives. The team at the Foot and Ankle Center of NJ & NY, LLC specializes in treating athlete’s foot at their offices in Fort Lee, New Jersey, Forest Hills, New York, Gramercy, New York, New York, & East Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York. To schedule an evaluation for athlete’s foot, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online.

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What is athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s foot is a fungal skin infection that usually grows between your toes, but it can infect any part of your foot. The fungus loves a warm and moist environment, which is why it finds your feet to be an ideal place to grow and thrive. The fungus associated with athlete’s foot can be found in many shared spaces with fungus-friendly dampness, including:

  • Swimming pools
  • Water parks
  • Locker rooms

Wearing shoes and socks that don’t allow your feet to breathe is also a good way to develop athlete’s foot. When your feet sweat excessively, it creates a warm, moist area that’s perfect for the infection to grow.

What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?

The telltale signs and symptoms are:

  • Itching
  • Red, scaly, or cracked skin
  • Sores between toes
  • White, scaly, “moccasin-like” rash over the bottom of the foot

Athlete’s foot typically begins between your toes and can spread to the rest of your foot, if not treated. It’s contagious, so if you touch the area, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly to prevent spreading the infection to other parts of your body, and try not to scratch or pick at the infected skin.

If you suspect you have athlete’s foot, your provider can examine your feet and recommend the right treatment.

What treatments are available for athlete’s foot?

After a visual inspection of your foot, your provider decides whether or not an athlete’s foot diagnosis is appropriate. If the condition is still uncertain, skin scrapings can be taken from the infected area and viewed through a microscope, or a sample can be sent to a lab for further analysis.

Mild cases of athlete’s foot typically respond well to over-the-counter antifungals in the form of ointment, powder, spray or lotion. In some more severe cases, your provider might prescribe a prescription-strength foot medication or an oral antifungal medication.

To prevent a recurrence, maintaining proper foot hygiene is essential:

  • Wear properly fitting shoes
  • Keep toenails trimmed
  • Wear cotton socks
  • Remove insoles and allow footwear to dry
  • Don’t go barefoot in public places
  • Don’t share shoes or towels
  • Disinfect your shoes

To schedule an evaluation, call the office nearest you or schedule an appointment online.