The condition called metatarsalgia is a major source of pain in the ball of the foot. Since your foot ball is right behind your big toe on the bottom of your foot, it absorbs much of the stress and pressure from walking, standing, and exercising and is frequently the source of intense foot pain. The area where the three middle toes meet with the ball is often affected.


4 causes of pain in the ball of the foot include the following:Tight or loose-fitting shoes—Footwear with a narrow toe box such as high-heeled shoes push the toes together and constrict foot and toe movement. Shoes that are worn out and don’t provide the correct support and cushioning will also contribute to ball of the foot pain.Fractures— in the toe bones will cause pain in the ball of the foot.Neuroma—A neuroma is a growth of fibrous tissue that often occurs between the third and fourth toe bones, causing severe pain and discomfort.Hereditary influence—People who have hereditary conditions like high arches or a second toe that is longer than the big toe are more likely to experience pain in the ball of the foot.Metatarsalgia, as well as the other problems that occur in the ball of the foot, can create radiating pain in your knees, hips, and back. Always have your feet evaluated and properly treated by a foot doctor well versed in all the possibilities to help avoid future complications. Consult with our board-certified podiatrists at Foot and Ankle Center of Fort Lee, LLC. The center offers convenient locations in Fort Lee NJ, Ringwood NJ, Flushing Queens NY, Woodhaven NY, Brooklyn NY, and Forest Hills NY. Contact us at (201) 363-9844 and schedule an appointment today!


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